Reality is relative.
Underground Reviews 2015 Top Pick Award
“Whoa.. I was not expecting the twists and turns of this book.”
“Tony Bertausky has the imagination of a Stephen King on speed.”
“A beautifully crafted story.”
“This book was amazing!”
“A rare writer who keeps you thinking long after you’ve finished reading.”
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Nix Richards nearly died in a car accident when he was young. Biomites saved his life. The Halfskin Laws decree a human composed of 50% biomites is no longer human. Halfskins are shutdown. It’s not called murder, merely deactivation.
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Jamie wants to be a halfskin. Her life has become dull and pointless. First she needs to avoid a shutdown. There is a way.
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Fabbers, slabbers and fakies were dehumanizing slurs for fabricated humans. Bricks, however, was the People’s favorite. The Sentience Laws were created to protect the rights of bricks. They didn’t last long.